Wet weather brings with it a whole host of unique pest-related problems, which can be aggravating to deal with if your home isn't prepared. Whether you have current pest issues or want to get ahead of rainy weather, here are three ways you can keep your home safe.
Trim Your Trees
If you have trees growing near your house, they can add to your risk of pests getting inside for two main reasons. The first is that many pests will look for shelter when it starts to rain, and trees provide plenty of it, especially for creatures that make their homes in soil. This puts more pests closer to your house and can make it more likely that some will try to make their way in. The second reason is that if any parts of your trees, such as branches or leaves, are touching your house, this provides a "bridge" for pests to use, letting them bypass any barriers like pesticides that may otherwise keep them out.
Having your trees professionally trimmed can reduce the likelihood that pests will be able to get into your house, and as a bonus, this can help keep your house safer in the event of inclement weather. If you're concerned about what might be living in your trees to escape the rain, consider hiring an exterminator to use safe insecticides to get rid of unwelcome guests in your trees. As a bonus, you may rid your trees of pests that could hurt or even kill them.
Keep Wood Dry
Some things are bound to get wet during rains, but when it comes to wood, it's important to keep it dry whenever possible. Wood is porous, and if not properly weatherproofed, can take in moisture that, over time, can cause wood rot. Moisture attracts all sorts of pests even in wet weather because while rain itself can be dangerous, a humid environment in wood can mean safety.
In particular, damp wood will attract pests like termites, beetles, and certain species of ants, many of which can cause further harm to your home, but that may also decide to breed. For this reason, it's a good idea to keep a close eye on any wood materials on your house, such as facing or eaves, but also any woodpiles you may have in your yard, which can include firewood or dead trees. Any outdoor wood should be moved safely away from your house, and the wood on your house should be inspected closely for signs that the waterproofing has faded. Signs of water damage include bowing, warping, discoloration, and mold.
If you live in an older house or have had a history of water damage, call a pest control specialist to examine your house and look for signs of water damage and possible infestations.
Use the Right Treatments
If you have pesticides sprayed around your house to create a perimeter, the good news is that much of this will be unaffected by rain. Not only are many of these products designed to withstand rain, but the eaves of your house also protect the foundation of your house from getting too damp. However, rain still does add some complications that need to be considered.
First, rain causes runoff, which can be bad for your soil and plants if you use the wrong kind of pesticide. If rain is a regular occurrence in your area you may have already stocked up on the right types, but it's worth double-checking.
Second, there are some pesticides that are water-soluble and can work especially well as a yard-based perimeter, but these are usually granules spread over soil, lawns, and gardens, not as foundational treatments. Water-soluble treatments tend to be extra effective in the rain, which draws insects out, and these treatments can stop them before they get close to your house.
Finally, while most treatments used in the rain are meant to last, they still may not last as long with constant rain as they would during dry weather. If you have consistent pest problems, talk to a pest control service about your specific needs and a possible treatment plan.